I’m here to help connect you with trusted Central Ohio birth workers so you can achieve your perinatal goals.

pregnant mother with heart on belly for birthworker referrals in columbus ohio

Your fertility & birth team should consist of more than just an OB or a Midwife.

Do you know the benefits of inviting all of these modalities into your prenatal, birth, and postpartum space? In metamorphosis, I have an entire module that runs through the who, what, and whys behind many of the modalities listed below. Spoiler alert: there are many benefits, including less discomfort, faster labor, and more support throughout your perinatal journey.

Note: Please see Disclaimer. Hiring a professional from the list below does not guaranty results. Interview any provider yourself to ensure they are the right fit for you. Listen to my free podcast episodes linked below to get to know them and their philosophies too!

Need help determining if your OB or Midwife is the right fit first?

I’ve also got a FREE guide that takes you through the process step-by-step. You’ll learn the difference between a physiological birth and a medically-managed birth (and answer questions helping you determine where along the spectrum you envision your birth to be), facts about the different credentials, questions to ask, red flags to watch out for, and how to find a new provider if your current one isn’t aligned with the birth you envision.


Birth Doulas

If your provider delivers at any of the 3 Mount Carmel locations in the Columbus, OH area (Mt. Carmel St. Ann’s, Mt. Carmel East, or Mt. Carmel Grove City), you can register for Mount Carmel’s Doula Program! This is the program I work through, and it is such a wonderful asset to the local community. For $400 (much less investment than hiring a private doula), you can experience the benefits of having a birth doula at your side from active labor through approximately 1 hour postpartum. Per hospital policy, MCHS Doulas are also allowed into the OR for C-sections! Note: this program does not include any prenatal or postpartum visits, and you do not get to choose your specific doula since we work an on-call schedule. If this sounds like a great fit for you, join us at one of our monthly Meet the Doula Nights and click here to learn more about the Mt. Carmel Doula Program.

Did you know?

Outside of Central Ohio?

Try these websites to find a doula near you!

Childbirth Education

Knowledge is power. Please educate and empower yourself!

Typical hospital education classes are not comprehensive, and will teach you how to be a good patient and follow hospital policy. If that’s your jam, great! But I highly encourage you to seek education outside of the Medical Industrial Complex (MIC), which is why I created my own comprehensive course, metamorphosis. I wanted something that was easily accessible at all times, and could be watched from anywhere. I understand online learning isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I’ve compiled other popular local (to Columbus, OH) options in case that’s a better fit for you. No gate-keeping here! Learn what evidence-based care looks and feels like through course offerings listed below.


Dietitians & Nutrition

Fertility & Preconception Support

Lactation Specialists

Your insurance provider may cover up to 6 lactation visits at 100%! Ask an IBCLC for more details and confirm how they coordinate with the various insurance companies.

Did you know?

Prenatal Massage Therapy

Perinatal Mental Health

Did you know?

There are several great organizations with Ohio local chapters, programs, and support groups centered around your mental health during the various phases of pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenthood.

Pelvic Health Physical Therapists

Did you know?

Aside from educating yourself on childbirth and hiring a birth doula, hiring a Pelvic Health PT during pregnancy and into postpartum is my top 3 recommendation for birthers! I can immediately tell during the pushing phase if a client has had pelvic floor therapy prenatally because their pushes are so effective and time spent pushing is greatly reduced.


Postpartum Doulas

Prenatal Yoga

Check out The Breath & Birth Co. Podcast to hear professional perspectives on all things preconception, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Listen & Subscribe