Hello! I’m so excited to share your perspective with my audience.
Here are our next steps:
Step 1. Schedule recording time.
I’ve got time available on most Wednesday evenings, Friday afternoons, and all day Saturday to record with you. Please use the form below to find a 90-minute time that works best for you! Note these sessions are virtual. Intent is that we have some buffer time to get all the tech stuff figured out, briefly discuss our outline, and then start recording. I’m targeting 45-60 minute length final edited episodes.
Step 2. Decide on topic(s) to discuss & a podcast title.
If you haven’t already, let’s decide on specific topics to discuss! If you’re sharing your birth story, I recommend creating an outline to help you remember what you want to touch on. I’ve included some common questions to get your thoughts going below. If you’re a Birthworker and unsure of what to focus on, feel free to use the brainstorming methods below.
Sharing your personal birth story?
Sharing your expertise and birthworker perspective?
Tell ChatGPT “I’m invited as a guest speaker on a podcast specializing in birthwork and the perinatal journey. Based on my specialties, please give me 5 topics and titles for the podcast episode.” Then see if anything resonates!
Collaborate with Me
Still stuck or have too many great ideas? Let’s discuss ahead of your session time to land on something you feel comfortable with!
Interview Questions
See below for common interview questions I ask. These may spark some ideas for longer stories or things you’re really passionate about!
Step 3. Attend the recording session.
This can be the most nerve-wracking part, but I promise to give you all the good vibes! Think besties over coffee or tea just chatting about our passions. Below are some things to know ahead of time regarding the recording process, too. Feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime!
We'll use Descript
I’ll be using Descript to both record and edit the podcast afterward. This allows me to send you a link to easily join our podcast “room” for the recording session. So be on the lookout for the link to join from your phone or laptop!
Recording Audio & Video
We have the option of recording both video and audio. If you are comfortable also recording video, we can use that to help promote the episode with Instagram reels! Final podcast edit will be released in audio format only to all popular podcast channels.
No need for fancy equipment!
Don’t have a fancy microphone or big headphones? No worries! It’s really not necessary and I can adjust my settings accordingly. But if you do have them, feel free to use. Even a set of regular headphones can help with any echo effect.
Step 4. I will edit recording and determine release date of episode.
I’ll do all the legwork on the backend to get our conversation out to my audience! You’ll just need to sit tight until the episode’s release date. If you have a specific offering or launch date you’d like to coordinate with, please let me know! If our discussion is around a specific topic that has an awareness day or month, I may try to time it up with that.
Step 5. Share episode when it launches!
I’ll post to Instagram & Facebook on release day, and tag your social handles in each post. I’ll provide you with some images ahead of time that you can also post directly on your social media channels to share share share!