Loving-Kindness Meditation for Pregnancy

loving kindness meditation for pregnancy pregnancy person relaxing

In this episode of The Breath & Birth Co. Podcast, we are dedicating time to cultivate loving-kindness (Metta) meditation—a gentle yet powerful practice designed to nurture both you and your baby with warmth, compassion, and peace. Pregnancy is a season of transformation, and this meditation invites you to soften, breathe deeply, and embrace yourself with kindness. You’ll be guided through:

✨ Centering your breath and relaxing your body

✨ Sending loving-kindness to yourself

✨ Connecting with your baby through warmth and intention

✨ Extending gratitude to your support system

✨ Holding space for all birthing parents and babies worldwide


The Power of Grace with Chelsea Skaggs of Postpartum Together: Letting Go of Perfection in Early Parenthood