
bring calm, confidence, and connection to your pregnancy through this self-paced online prenatal yoga series

prenatal yoga series

Long description of series. Who it’s for and what it includes at a high level.

Gain confidence in your body to birth your baby your way.

In this transformational self-paced online childbirth education program, you can watch the lessons on-the-go or in the comfort of your own home with your favorite snacks! Each module includes video lessons, downloadable guides, and printable worksheets.

pregnant woman watching childbirth education eating popcorn


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Perhaps you’ve arrived here after an infertility journey that makes this pregnancy so tender, delicate and special. Now that you’ve heard the pitter patter of your baby’s heartbeat… reality is setting in that it’s time to shift gears. It’s time to prepare your mind, your body, and your heart for this next chapter of your life. As ready as you are to finally experience pregnancy and childbirth… the thought of diving into childbirth education leaves you feeling overwhelmed and unsure.

pregnant mother person holding her belly in a calm outdoor setting

Imagine being so in tune with your body and understanding what it’s doing to bring your baby here, that you calmly approach labor feeling peaceful and empowered.

postpartum newborn baby feet wrapped in blanket

Perhaps you’re here because your previous birth(s) did not unfold how you wanted, and you’re fired up about how different you want this pregnancy and birth to be. How much more supported and heard you want to feel… and you’ve also come to the right place.

Imagine feeling so connected to your baby, your partner, and your providers that you feel completely safe and supported during labor and delivery.

Hi! I’m Vanessa. I had a calm, confident, connected birth story that included infertility, HG, and laboring 32 hours in a hospital without an epidural. Education and preparation during my pregnancy was the foundation which made all that possible, and I’m here to teach and empower you too.

I get it, sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know- and that’s the overwhelming part.

Based on my experience as a Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator, below are some examples of things I’d want you to know heading into your birth so you aren’t blindsided or fearful of advocating for yourself.

You’ll learn the answers to all those questions and more, the evidence behind the whys, and tangible ways to reduce the risk of birth trauma. I’ll walk you through every step of the way to provide your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum with a…

  • strong foundation

    you’ll determine your “why”, learn what a physiological birth looks and feels like, and how baby’s station can mean more than your cervical dilation

  • deeper connection

    you’ll ensure your care provider is aligned with the birth you envision, and how to build out your village in a way that sets you up for best success all the way through postpartum

  • broader confidence

    you’ll know ALL of your options and be equipped with evidence-based resources to make an informed decision each step of the way, culminating in your very own birth plan

  • and lasting calm

    you’ll release fears that are holding you back from the birth you envision, infuse peaceful meditations into your daily routine, and practice proven pain-coping methods

Transform your journey through 50 lessons across 4 modules. Almost 8 hours of video content. Over 200 pages of guides as quick reference and worksheets to deep dive. Affirmations at every step.

This is metamorphosis.

a mockup of a self-paced online childbirth education course called the foundation physiological birth by design intro to childbirth

module one

the foundation | Birth by Design

Consider this your "Childbirth 101" course, but better. Determine your ideal vision of birth. Learn the anatomy and physiology of it all. Practice some labor positions. Instead of a hospital class that teaches you how to be a good patient, this course leans into the power of your own body and intuition

a mockup of a self-paced online childbirth education course called the connection build your pregnancy birth postpartum village

module two

the connection | Build Your Village

So much of your perception of birth "success" relies heavily on those you surround yourself with during pregnancy and labor. From care providers to good ol' Aunt Karen, learn how to establish a village that speaks to your birth vision... and not the generational birth trauma they carry with them. Learn what truly connected care can look like with you at the center.

a mockup of a self-paced online childbirth education course called the confidence birth priority birth plan blueprint

module three

the confidence | Birth Priority Blueprint

Many birthing people aren't even aware they have OPTIONS and can say "No" or "Pause, please" if something doesn't feel right at any point along the prenatal to postpartum journey. Learn what true informed consent means. Gain confidence in your evidence-based knowledge. Advocate for yourself as you build a birth blueprint that truly aligns with how you want to welcome your baby into the world.

a mockup of a self-paced online childbirth education course called the calm mindset framework

module four

the calm | Mindset Framework

Break free from the fear-tension-pain cycle that is holding you back from your ideal birth experience. Learn coping mechanisms beyond counter-pressure and hip squeezes. Carry that calm into your postpartum transition, leaving you thankful for all of this upfront "heart" work you're committed to completing in honor of you, your body, and your baby.

  • “Vanessa [gave] us positions to try, implemented and taught counter pressure which was a lifesaver, provided calming encouragement, and stood with us in our birth plan."

    - First Time Mother, Unmedicated Vaginal Birth

  • "Vanessa was a literal life changer for us."

    - First-time Parents, Hospital Birth

  • "Her knowledge and calming presence helped both my husband and I. Vanessa was absolutely fantastic and went above and beyond for us and everyone was so impressed with her! Even my family that was skeptical of us having a doula were so impressed with her."

    - First-time Parents, Hospital Induction

  • "Vanessa was amazing! She stepped right in and was so caring and helpful! I love how she directed my husband because I wasn't able to communicate well and he wasn't being helpful until she got there... I loved how she communicated with the hospital staff. She was helpful but not overstepping."

    - Birth Doula Client, CBAC

  • "We couldn't have gotten through the labor/delivery without her, especially with my wife going unblocked. Ability to answer questions and guide us through what was happening."

    - First-time Father, Doula Client


mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course

    Section 01  Foundational Birth Prep

    • What's Your Why? Building Your Birth Vision

    • Foundation of Birth Mindset

    • The Design of Physiological Birth

    Section 02  Labor Positions

    • Understanding Baby's Position

    • Optimal Birther Positions​


    Section 01  Building a Support Team Specific to Your Preferences

    • The 4 Decisions That Shape Everything

    • Creating Your Dream Team

    • Setting Up Support for Postpartum

    • For Partners: How to Support The Birthing Person

    Section 02  Benefits of Hiring a Doula

    • The Impact of a Birth Doula

    • A Postpartum Doula's Helping Hands

    Section 03  Expanding Your Care Team

    • Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

    • Chiropractic Care & Webster Technique

    • Prenatal Yoga

    • Perinatal Mental Health

    • Birth Photography

    • Lactation Specialists

    Section 04  Prepping for Postpartum Success

    • Postpartum Support Planning

    • Meal Prep Party


    Section 01  Autonomy: Taking Full Ownership Over Your Birth

    • Developing Your Personal Autonomy

    • What is Radical Responsibility?

    • What's "Allowed" Versus Your Legal Rights

    • Advocating For Yourself in Birth

    Section 02  Decision Making: Where Evidence Meets Intuition

    • The Birth of Modern Obstetrics

    • Understanding Your Birth Biases

    • The Process of Making Informed Decisions

    Section 03  Options & Interventions: The Decision-Making Blueprint

    • Prenatal Tests and Uncommon Pregnancy Complications

    • Navigating Labor & Postpartum Options

    • General Labor Options

    • Variations of Normal

    • Induction and Augmentation Options

    • Comfort Measures & Medical Pain Relief

    • The Second Stage: Pushing Options

    • The Third Stage: Immediate Postpartum Options

    • Newborn Tests and Procedures

    • Cesarean Section Options

    • Uncommon Labor Complications

    Section ​04  Birth Preferences: Communicating Your Desires Effectively​

    • Writing the Perfect Birth Plan

    • Communicating Your Desires Effectively

    • Embracing the Unknown


    Section 01  Fear: The Proven Process to Release Fear and Cultivate Trust

    • Integrating Your Birth Fears

    • Breaking Down Your Birth Fears

    • Preventing Unwanted Outcomes

    • Sharing Your Fears Out Loud

    Section 02  Mindset & Pain: Beyond the Basic Coping Strategies

    • Living Mindfully in Preparation for Birth

    • The Four Meditations for Birth

    • Pain Coping Practice Methods

    • Intentional Pain Coping Sessions

    Section 03  Postpartum: The Key to a Calm Transition

    • The Birther-Baby Dyad

    • The Foundation of a Calm Postpartum

    • The Holistic Path to Healing the Body

Aside from calm, confidence, and connection, you’ll also walk away with these tangible things:

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course big-picture birth vision worksheet

    Your Big-Picture Birth Vision

    Determine your “why” for investing in this education. If you begin to doubt yourself or this process, come back to this as a reminder.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course birth support worksheet

    Birth Support Worksheet

    Much of your success in labor & delivery depends on how you set up your village to best support you, and how you communicate your desires out to that village. This worksheet helps accomplish just that.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course postpartum care plan

    Postpartum Care Plan

    Similarly, much of your success in postpartum depends on how you set up your village to help, and how you communicate your wishes ahead of time. Be sure to share this plan with those who will be present during that time.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course situational practices guide

    Situational Practices

    Whether it’s practicing how to advocate for yourself in a prenatal appointment or practicing how you will advocate during specific labor & delivery situations, these guides provide real-life very common scenarios to help prepare you for future conversations.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course pain coping practice guide

    Pain Coping Practices

    You’ll be able to watch the pain-coping video over and over again, and record your reactions and preferences along the way with the pain-coping blueprint to help you narrow down specific methods that are most effective you.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course support person checklist

    Support Person Checklist

    Be sure your birth partner is prepared with this checklist of action items, reminders of what their role is during labor & delivery, and specific phrases to use to support you best in your most vulnerable moments.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course birth biases worksheet

    Birth Biases Worksheet

    Everyone arrives at pregnancy and birth with certain biases based on their familial history, media consumption, and any past trauma. It’s time to recognize those so you can work through them in appropriate ways PRIOR to the birthing process. 

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course birth decisions worksheet

    Birth Decisions Worksheet

    This 26 page worksheet includes space to write down your thoughts and feelings about each lesson in the confidence module, prompts to dig deeper on your preferences, and questions to ask your provider for medical information and to ensure they align with those preferences.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course birth priority plan

    Birth Priority Plan

    You’ll use the Birth Decisions Worksheet, your intuition, and your learnings from the videos to ultimately determine your top birth priorities. This 2-page (intended to be printed front-and-back) Birth Priority Plan will be an important doc to share with your team at prenatals and at the hospital.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course movement sequence guide

    Movement Sequence Guide

    A circuit of positions you can settle into during pregnancy to help your baby into optimal positioning for labor & delivery.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course four meditations for birth

    Four Meditations for Birth

    Four specific meditations to practice during pregnancy so you can more effortlessly go inward during labor. The fifth page of this guide also outlines how you can easily work these into your routine throughout your week.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course labor positions

    Labor Position Guide

    Encouraging intuitive movement overall, this guide shares numerous position options with pictorial references and descriptions to help guide you through labor if you’re in need of ideas based on where baby is at in your pelvis.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course fear release guide

    Fear Release Guide

    Fears can be a significant road block in stalling your labor progress, so it’s very important to acknowledge them and work through them during pregnancy. Creating an action plan for how to conquer them, and sharing them out loud with your birth partner are all part of the process.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course DIY affirmation cards

    DIY Affirmation Cards

    Pre-made affirmations for both pregnancy and postpartum, along with a template to print and cut your own affirmations that resonate most with you. Hang these up where you’ll see them each day as a reminder of what you and your body are capable of.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course empowering cesarean guide

    Empowering Cesarean Guide

    If you are faced with a Cesarean birth, this guide outlines ways that you can still have a beautifully empowering birth. Explore these options with your provider, and practice advocating for these things as you prioritize.

  • mockup of an online self-paced on-demand childbirth education course postpartum journal prompts

    Postpartum Journal Prompts

    Questions to help you process your birth experience after the fact, and prompts to inspire you to express your true feelings and needs. This can be an incredibly vulnerable time, and being proactive about documenting your feelings can help you navigate postpartum more mindfully.

…and so much more (did I mention there are over 200 pages of guides and worksheets to help you prepare?)!

Overwhelmed with how to accomplish it all? I’ve got you covered there too.

You can truly go at your own pace, or you can pick one of the timelines I’ve put together. Binge the lessons over a weekend, four weekends, or over six weeks.


  • The honest answer is that it’s never too early. Knowledge is power, and sometimes what you learn makes you realize you need to make big shifts in your care provider team... so the sooner the better. HOWEVER, it is also never too late. Everyone deserves that knowledge, and one of the perks of this program is that you can watch as much or as little as your time allows. Binge it in one weekend or watch one per night for two months- your choice!

  • Kudos to you for investing in birth education! First: Hospital courses can be great and are certainly better than nothing. BUT they often only cover surface-level topics and the approach is more about teaching you how to be a “good patient.” These modules go SO much more in-depth and teach you true autonomy. Take a peak at the course curriculum above to see what you’re missing.

  • Love your eagerness to learn! Your link will land in your inbox in mere minutes typically.

  • How does “lifetime access” sound to you? That’s right, once you’re in, you are in for the lifetime of the course. As the program evolves and new things are added, you’ll gain access to those things too!

  • Each module has a variety of videos, guides, workbooks, and activities. Videos within each lesson range from 5-20 minutes long.

  • Due to the nature of how the content is shared (immediate all-access), there are no refunds after purchase.